Stay on top of your bills with online Bill Pay.
What's more reassuring than being in control of your finances?
Online Bill Pay with Greater Iowa allows you to stay on top of your monthly finances with ease. Free yourself from the hassle of writing checks or logging on to a list of websites; there is a quick and easy alternative.
To access Greater Iowa Bill Pay, you must be enrolled in Online Banking. Once you log in to your online banking account, click on Transactions on the left side menu and you'll see "Bill Payment" as an option. The program will walk you through enrollment and account set-up.
Greater Iowa Bill Pay allow you to:
- Pay bills using your GICU account; almost any company or person you would send a check to.
- Connect directly with billers to know the current billing or amount due.
- Set up reoccurring bills to be paid automatically.
- Schedule payments for specific dates.
- Set up reminders for bill due dates.
- View pending and recent payments.
- Make changes to scheduled payment up to the time it begins processing.
- Document when funds were received by the biller.
For additional details about online Bill Pay and how to get started, click here to access our Online Banking Users Guide pages 16-24.