Why can’t I transfer funds online?

Some common reasons that you may not be able to complete a transfer through online banking include:

  • Either the sending or receiving account is dormant (has had no member generated transactions in the last 6 months) 
  • You have exceeded your maximum number of six electronic withdrawals from the savings account for the calendar month.  You can still complete the transfer at a branch or ATM.  We are not able to process a transfer over the phone in this situation.
  • For a member to member transfer: you have entered in the information in a format that is not recognized.  Example: John Doe 123456-131 would need to be entered in the following way:
    • Member Number: 123456    
    • Account Number: 131
    • First three letters of last name/business name: Doe

If you are transferring funds to a business type account (this includes Estates/Rep Payee accounts/Trusts in addition to business accounts) you will use the first three letters of the business name: The Doe Family Trust 

  • First three letters of last name/business name: The

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