Call for Candidates for 2020 Board of Directors
October 16, 2019
Press Releases
Greater Iowa Credit Union is seeking qualified candidates to be considered for its volunteer Board of Directors. If you'd like to get involved with the credit union and represent the members; if you think you have something to offer and would like to volunteer your time; if you would like to run for a seat on the Board of Directors, we encourage you to submit an application.
The Board of Directors of a credit union is elected by the members of the credit union. Candidates for the Board of Directors should possess a dedication and commitment to the purposes of the credit union movement and to the credit union. The Board of Directors is responsible to the membership by setting policies, strategically planning the path to the future, evaluating progress and guiding the President/CEO who oversees the general operations of the credit union to ensure financial soundness by following the requirements of all pertinent laws and regulations. An understanding of basic business procedures and an ability to read a balance sheet is also helpful.
In the 2020 election cycle, there are three open board positions, each serving a three-year term. Board meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month. Training and attendance at monthly board meetings is required. In addition, directors will serve on various committees in order to review the development of programs and services and carry out special tasks as necessary. Some committee assignments are permanent, while others are temporary or ad hoc. Iowa Code does not allow Board of Directors to be paid for their time or services. In addition, they must be bondable and must pass a background check. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age and meet the minimum eligibility requirements as outlined in the Governance Committee Information & Board of Directors Application Packet.
Based upon the results of the selection process, the GICU Governance Committee will recommend a slate of candidates to the full board of directors for approval to be presented to the membership for elections. If you are selected as a candidate, you will be contacted to attend a candidate information meeting. Results of electronic voting will be held announced at the credit union’s Annual Meeting on February 17, 2020.
To be considered as a candidate for the GICU Board of Directors, please complete the Governance Committee Information & Board of Directors Application Packet and submit no later than November 26, 2019 by one of two ways:
Mail to:
GICU Director Applications
Attention: Cathy Krebs, recording secretary to the board
1509 Baltimore Drive
Ames, IA 50010
Email with electronic signature to:
Click here for more information about our current Board of Directors.
Board members bring unique strengths and abilities to round out the board and provide a body that is representative of the full credit union membership. During the candidate selection process, the GICU Governance Committee will maintain a process free from discrimination based upon race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, marital status or any other unlawful factor.