Help lead your credit union by serving on our Board of Directors
October 18, 2016
Press Releases
The Greater Iowa Credit Union Board of Directors is responsible to the membership by setting policies, planning the path to the future, evaluating progress, and guiding the President/CEO and Management in overseeing the general operations following the requirements of all pertinent laws and regulations to ensure financial soundness of the credit union.
This election cycle, there are four open board positions; three positions will be three-year terms and one position will be a one-year term. Board meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month. In addition, directors will serve on various committees in order to review the development of programs and services and carry out special tasks as necessary. Some committee assignments are permanent, while others are temporary or ad hoc.
Declaration of Candidacy Nomination Questionnaire
Ideally, board members bring unique strengths and abilities to round out the board and provide a body that is representative of the full credit union membership. During the candidate selection process, the Greater Iowa Governance Committee will maintain a process free from discrimination based upon race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, marital status, or any other unlawful factor.
Based upon the results of the selection process, the Greater Iowa Governance Committee will recommend a slate of candidates to the full board of directors for approval. If you are selected as a candidate, you will be contacted to attend a candidate informational meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2017. To be considered as a candidate for the Greater Iowa Board of Directors, please complete the Declaration of Candidacy Nomination Questionnaire and submit no later than January 13, 2017 to:
Greater Iowa Director Nominations
Attention: Cathy Krebs
PO Box 665
Ames IA 50010
FAX (515) 956-6910 | email to
Click here for more information about our current Board of Directors.