News For Tag "balance"

  • How to Achieve Financial Fitness

    posted November 10, 2020 in Blogs

    Many things have been out of our control this year, but one thing we have control over is our level of financial fitness. Even though your bank account can't run on the treadmill, that doesn't mean you shouldn't take it to the ‘gym'. Just like physical fitness, you can bulk up your muscles a little more each day through your financial choices!

  • 5 Reasons You Should Use a Debit Card

    posted October 31, 2019 in Blogs

    People often talk about the benefits of using a credit card, but there are also perks to using a debit card as well! Here are some great reasons you should be using your debit card!

  • Healthy Credit Card Habits

    posted February 12, 2019 in Blogs

    Let's face it: credit impacts all of our lives. Of course, good credit will impact you positively and bad credit negatively. Here are 9 things you can do to improve your credit score!

  • What To Look For In A High-Yield Checking Account

    posted July 5, 2018 in Blogs

    Most checking accounts that you let your money sit in aren't earning you any interest. There is a type of checking account - referred to as a high-yield checking account - that earns interest. When searching for the best high-yield account, there are some things to look for. Here are a few!