News For Tag "budget"

  • How to Choose the Right Contractor

    posted May 14, 2021 in Blogs

    Spring is in full swing and the sound of power tools can be heard on almost every street all weekend long. Whether you are an avid DIYer or have never picked up your hammer, there are some projects that warrant bringing in the big guns...A.K.A. a contractor. We've put together 8 questions that can easily lead you to finding the most qualified professional in your area!

  • How to Achieve Financial Fitness

    posted November 10, 2020 in Blogs

    Many things have been out of our control this year, but one thing we have control over is our level of financial fitness. Even though your bank account can't run on the treadmill, that doesn't mean you shouldn't take it to the ‘gym'. Just like physical fitness, you can bulk up your muscles a little more each day through your financial choices!

  • Cost of College Life

    posted July 13, 2020 in Blogs

    One of the many mysteries of college, especially your freshman year, is the rude awakening of what it's actually going to cost you to be there. Sure, you know about tuition and room and board. But how much will you need to make it through the first semester, let alone the first year? That's the big unknown.

  • Is it Time to Refinance Your Auto Loan?

    posted June 19, 2020 in Blogs

    Refinancing can seem like a foreign language to you until you do a little research to learn what it means, when to do it and how you can benefit from it. Have no fear, we've done the leg work for you!

  • Staycation Ideas Your Family is Sure to Love

    posted May 22, 2020 in Blogs

    Let's face it, this year has looked unlike any other we've experienced, and unfortunately much of that is rolling into the summer months. Events postponed, sports cancelled, gatherings of any kind are risky..what's left? We've come up with a list of things you can do on a budget that are sure to make lasting memories for you and your kiddos!

  • How to Prepare for Tough Times

    posted May 3, 2020 in Blogs

    Worrying about the possibility of losing your job? Or are you unfortunately already in that situation? How are you managing financially? It's smart to think about bills, essential expenses and check in on your emergency fund that could help see you through several months of job insecurity.