News For Tag "financing"

  • How to Achieve Financial Fitness

    posted November 10, 2020 in Blogs

    Many things have been out of our control this year, but one thing we have control over is our level of financial fitness. Even though your bank account can't run on the treadmill, that doesn't mean you shouldn't take it to the ‘gym'. Just like physical fitness, you can bulk up your muscles a little more each day through your financial choices!

  • What the HE-LOC?

    posted October 9, 2020 in Blogs

    With what seems to be never ending economic devastations this year, many are in need of large sums of money in order to get by and transition into what is hopefully a fresh start in 2021. While most will immediately think of applying for a traditional loan, there are other options that are able to give you the cash flow you need, and still allow you to keep your freedom.

  • Is it Time to Refinance Your Auto Loan?

    posted June 19, 2020 in Blogs

    Refinancing can seem like a foreign language to you until you do a little research to learn what it means, when to do it and how you can benefit from it. Have no fear, we've done the leg work for you!

  • Budgeting in Style: 50/30/20 Rule

    posted January 2, 2020 in Blogs

    It's no secret that most people, us included, increased their shopping habits over the holidays. While spending is inevitable, there are ways to educate yourself on budgeting and smart spending. The 50/30/20 rule is a simple, practical rule of thumb for individuals who want a budget that is effective and easy to implement.

  • Comparing Home Equity Loans & Lines of Credit

    posted September 30, 2019 in Blogs

    If you've purchased a home, you may be able to use a home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC) to update your home. That is because home equity loans and lines of credit allow you to borrow against the equity in your home! Learn which might be better for you!

  • Buying vs. Renting: What's Best for You?

    posted April 30, 2019 in Blogs

    So you're deciding between renting a house, or buying one. This is a big decision with a lot of considerations! There are many benefits to making the choice to buy a home and we've outlined a few for you!