News For Tag "holiday"

  • Holiday Traditions - Reinvented

    posted December 16, 2019 in Blogs

    Most families have traditions they partake in this time of year, but sometimes with the intense hustle and bustle the holidays bring, we can forget about spreading cheer to those in need. Spark magic inside your family this year by giving to others!

  • Holiday Shopping Tips

    posted December 2, 2019 in Blogs

    The holidays and spending money go together far better than peanut butter and jelly. This time of year is notorious for draining bank accounts, but there are ways to indulge in the spirit of giving while keeping the lights on at home. Read on to learn some tips and tricks that may come in handy while shopping online this holiday season.

  • Let your ‘someday' dreams start today!

    posted November 18, 2019 in Blogs

    The holiday season can be a stressful time for many of us. Whatever your situation and financial status, Greater Iowa Credit Union is here to help try to make the impossible, possible.

  • How To Shop Safely On Black Friday

    posted November 16, 2017 in Blogs

    While it's true that Black Friday does pose some serious risks to shoppers, it doesn't mean you need to miss out on any deals. With the proper safety measures and precautionary steps, you can happily join the bargain-hungry crowds flocking to malls and shopping centers on Nov. 24.

  • 7 Ways To Save On Thanksgiving Costs This Month

    posted November 1, 2017 in Blogs

    Thanksgiving means giving thanks for all the good in our lives. It can also mean spending an awful lot of money. That's why we've compiled a list of seven easy ways for you to save on your Thanksgiving costs this year.